Get Real: From Storytelling to Authenticity,
by Robin Toler, ATR-BC, LAC with Burl Eugene Forgey, MD This workbook was written to reduce unnecessary suffering by helping those who want to take off their masks and Get Real. This is a how-to guide filled with multileveled exercises, activities, and initiatives to help practically anyone build a functional, practical, and sustainable life story. Get Real: From Storytelling to Authenticity is a practical and creative process where personal truths are woven into a “good-enough” Story, bringing positive and negative aspects of an individual’s life into a meaningful unified whole. Life Story Writing encourages being Real through accepting personal truths. Many have found answers to their problems and have worked out difficult issues and live out meaningful and sustainable lives. Everyone has a powerful life story and when one can discern, decipher and describe their life story in an authentic and genuine way, incredible personal energy is released. Please click here for more information. |
St. Tammany Art Association
Exhibit to Show the Work of Art Therapists by Sarah Bonnett, August 14, 2014 "...The Art of the Journey will chronicle the individual paths of art therapists who work across Louisiana in hospitals, vocational programs, schools or private practices. Some work with children, while others guide couples, individuals with disabilities and the geriatric population.The exhibiting therapists include Anne Bigger, MFS, ATR-BC, HLM; Denise DeSelle, ATR-BC, LPC; Kathleen D. Doyle, MS; Becky Olivera, ATR-BC, LPC-S; Katherine Robichaux, MPS; Celeste Schexnaydre, MA, ATR-BC, NCC; Robin Toler, ATR-BC, LAC; Christina Vasquez, MS, ATR-BC, CT; Jaclyn Warren, MS, ATR-BC; and Katie Lacour, MPS, ATR-BC....It was Warren's vision to create the exhibition of graphite drawings, collages, sculptures, watercolor paintings and other media as a way to introduce art therapy to the public and gain support for it...Presenter Rebecca Olivera, ATR-BC, LPC-S, will explain art therapists' intimate relationship with art and how the creative process is a vital and dynamic presence in their professional work. She also will address five ways in which the art of art therapists influences their practice." Please click here to access the entire article. |
Cultural Collage: St. Tammany Art Association Workshop Illustrates How Art Can Strengthen the Artist by Kathleen DesHotel, September 17, 2014 The New Orleans Advocate "...A recent workshop held at the St. Tammany Art Association and led by instructor Christina Vasquez required more of participants than passive attendance because the topic, Creating a Space of Resilience, tapped into a pure and honest expression of self. It focused on creating a safe space for self-nurturance and resilience. Those involved discussed the value of containment as it relates to personal attention, including emotional parameters, grief and bereavement....The guidance of Vasquez encourages the willingness to move, breathe and navigate through obstacles with a tenacious spirit. She stressed, Change occurs within the dynamic movement of our body, mind and spirit. It also occurs within the quietude of our souls when we allow ourselves time to be present in the here and now when we embrace the wisdom and life force that speaks within.” |

Materials, Methods and Applications
Edited by Rick L. Garner
As the field of digital art therapy rapidly expands, this book guides readers through the many applications of digital media in art therapy. With consideration of professional and ethical issues, expert contributors discuss materials and methods, with case examples to show how digital art therapy works in practice.
(Chapter 6)
A Collaborative Approach to Visual Transformation and Empowerment
By Christina Vasquez with Jukka Laine
Light Painting brings to life the movement that stirs within and around us. Since its advent in 1889, the culture of light painters has expanded exponentially. Jukka Laine’s Light Painting Photography with children and adults with special needs has helped pave the way for “Therapeutic Light Painting” (Page, 2013). Though there is much literature online regarding the benefits of Light Painting, minimal text is available regarding its use in conjunction with Art Therapy. Inspired by Laine’s work and that of the Seeing With Photography Collective, Board Certified Art Therapist, Christina Vasquez has been utilizing Light Painting in her sessions as a means of exploring body image, perceptions, portraiture and kinetic expression. The authors provide success oriented Therapeutic Light Painting techniques that may be adapted to various populations.
Materials, Methods and Applications
Edited by Rick L. Garner
As the field of digital art therapy rapidly expands, this book guides readers through the many applications of digital media in art therapy. With consideration of professional and ethical issues, expert contributors discuss materials and methods, with case examples to show how digital art therapy works in practice.
(Chapter 6)
A Collaborative Approach to Visual Transformation and Empowerment
By Christina Vasquez with Jukka Laine
Light Painting brings to life the movement that stirs within and around us. Since its advent in 1889, the culture of light painters has expanded exponentially. Jukka Laine’s Light Painting Photography with children and adults with special needs has helped pave the way for “Therapeutic Light Painting” (Page, 2013). Though there is much literature online regarding the benefits of Light Painting, minimal text is available regarding its use in conjunction with Art Therapy. Inspired by Laine’s work and that of the Seeing With Photography Collective, Board Certified Art Therapist, Christina Vasquez has been utilizing Light Painting in her sessions as a means of exploring body image, perceptions, portraiture and kinetic expression. The authors provide success oriented Therapeutic Light Painting techniques that may be adapted to various populations.